Stonesouth History


Sekinan Library

Sekinan Library 1986
Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019

Sekinan Geometry 2020
Sekinan Modern 2020
Sekinan Nerve 2022

Sekinan Essay 2022
Sekinan Paper 2022

Sekinan Data 2022
Stonesouth 2022


SRFL Group 2014-
SRFL Geometry
SRFL Theory
Geometrization Language

Sekinan Group 2003-
Sekinan Library
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Paper
Sekinan Archaeology
Sekinan MathBasis
Sekinan Ideogram
Quantum-Nerve Theory

New Sekinan Group 2017-
Sekinan Library
Sekinan Geometry
Sekinan History
Sekinan Paper
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Early
Sekinan Middle
Sekinan Modern
Sekinan Energy
Sekinan Signal
Sekinan Nerve 

New Sekinan Group 2022-
Stonesouth Essay
Stonesouth History
Stonesouth Memory 
Stonesouth Theory 

SIL Group 2014-
SIL News

Website Group 2019-

Blog 2013-
QNT News
Sekinan Table
Sekinan Data
Stonesouth News

Sekinan Days
Sekinan View

Site Name History

SRFL has uploaded the papers on language universals since 2003, when the site name was using Now its name is not adopted by not-using the self-managed website.

From 2014, I have mainly used Weebly site titled Sekinan initials. So crowned Sekinan sites contain mainly early papers and essays although being renewed appropriately. Also I have used Wix site for invitation being named SIL initials.

But the papers have gradually increased. In 2016 I have newly used Webnode site for the reason storing up more papers easily.  Webnode sites are titled mainly SRFL initials, which papers are from Middle to Present.    

Besides Weebly and Webnode, I have used Website, Site 123 for simplified and invitational  sites, so these sites are almost Modern papers and essays and understandable invitation articles to the study of language. Contained papers are rather few but probably more readable, especially to the first visiting learners of language problems, naming is ENSILA for Website and Sekinan for Site 123.

Now I have used Webnode for garner of papers and essays. Site123 is for classification by themes. Webnode's SRFL is adopted to invitational site for the time being.

3 September 2020
25 August 2022 Revised
Sekinan Library 



SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language was established in 2003 for the study on language universals, that was the core theme since my youth time some 40 years ago in the 1970s. But real start was much later in the late 1980s.

In 1986 I established the Sekinan Library for the base of study at Tachikawa, Tokyo. At that time my main theme was declined to the study of old Chinese character’s classical semantics using the traditional study of the form of characters reading Qing Dynasty’s WANG Guowei. The study from the direction had not given me so rich results. I at the same time read some mathematical books influenced from Bourbaki that was the big stream in 1970s in Japan. Set theory represented by Godel was also the favourite at the time.

In 1990s I determined the direction of study only to language universals taught from CHINO Eiichi, one of the modern typical philologists of Japan. He taught me almost all the aspects of European philology that were unknown for me. In the various themes he gave me, the most impressive was the existence of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. Above all Sergej Karcevskij was overwhelmingly deep and moving. But Karcevskij’s approach was seemed to be intuitive and far from clear descriptiveness.

I began to learn the theme hinted by Karcevskij while learning Godel, Bourbaki and Wittgenstein that was also gave me the big influence form the age 20s. I had frequently read Wittgenstein’s TRACTATUS. But my base of math was so poor and never became the descriptive use for language’s delicate phases. So I again restarted math from geometry that gave the most familiar and clear image for me. My intuitive image and basic math description were seemed to be able offer in nearly millennium days.

In spring 2003 I knew the application paper for the international symposium held by a certain institute. I arranged the short paper for it till early summer and sent it. The paper was happily adopted as one of the language and literature section of the symposium. The paper’s title was Quantum Theory for Language. It was again arranged next year 2004 as the title Quantum Theory for Language synopsis.

The establish date of Sekinan Research Field of Language was 23 August 2003, that was the date of completion of proto-conceptive paper of Quantum Theory for Language at the hutte in Hakuba, Nagano. Now the time passed rapidly 10 years. All things are now very dear for me with fine landscape of Japan Alps.

14 August 2013

Sekinan Research Field of Language

About 2

Letter to C. 3 May 2019

03/05/2019 19:28

Portrait 1970s

28/01/2016 22:14

Read Andre Weil

31/08/2015 15:56

Inspiration The Time of Quantum

31/08/2015 15:51

Author and Foundation

31/08/2015 12:52

Site History 2003 - 2014

31/08/2015 13:41

Site History 2015

31/08/2015 13:05

Short History of SRFL

31/08/2015 12:43

SRFL Founded in 2003

31/08/2015 12:41

Aim / Aim again

  •   18/06/2022 05:09 PM

Aim 2

  •   18/06/2022 05:07 PM